Thursday 4 March 2010

A Century On and Still No Change

So earlier today an American congretional committee finally agreed to push for the Obama administration to recognise the 1915 Armenian Genocide, committed by the Ottoman Empire, in which 1.5 MILLION Armenians were murdered and there was a definitive concerted effort to exterminate the Armenians. Now, this has been pushed for for at least 20 years, so it is refreshing to finally see some progress. However, what is quite disheartening is that there are still people within the government who claim that it would be counter-productive to recognise the genocide, arguing that it is not in their interests and it is not the way to peace, clearly ignorant to the facts: Primarily that, to paraphrase the Iranian satirist Shappi Khorsandi, within Turkey there is freedom of speech, however no freedom after you have spoken. Turkey has a policy of arresting, trying and imprisoning any who speak out against the government.

Clearly regardless of the time period it is money that overrides all. America trades with Turkey, people have holidays in Turkey, so on and so forth. It is only counter-productive to those who stand more to gain by keeping the genocide unrecognised (Thatcher, Major, Blair, Bush Senior and Bush Junior I'm looking at all of you).

Furthermore, despite having supposedly been a republic for 87 years, Turkey insists on denying the Armenian genocide, going to such lengths as on certain editions of promotional DVDs for Turkey, there would be full chapters denying the genocide (See the System of a Down produced documentary "Screamers" for further details). Therefore they are intentionally displaying themselves as effectively congratulating the former Empire for committing the mass murder of 1.5 million innocent civilians.

And as a little footnote of history, a quote from Hitler regarding the Master Plan: "And anyway, who remembers the Armenian Genocide of 1915?"

Just to finish: it truly shows the inability in human nature to progress if the government which has supposedly been a republic for the past 87 years can not recognise its failings from almost 100 years ago. And to link to the ideas of Hegel and the belief that we are constantly progressing and developing, this, as well as many other, similar circumstances prove that although there may be steady "progress" in western countries, socially, ideologically, even chemically, there is stagnation, even de-evolution, within Eastern countries. Not even outside of Europe. Hegel's belief that we will constantly progress towards paradise is a much vaunted and far too optimistic view of the world. Soon enough we will be wallowing in the pits of despair and de-evolution if we do not start to open our eyes to what is becoming of this world.

Edit for 5/3/2010: Hilary Clinton is pushing to block the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. I am shocked that anyone would be so invested in preventing the revelation of the truth. It is truth, regardless of your beliefs. There are survivors of the genocide and they can attest to the atrocities committed. Truly nothing has changed

Monday 18 January 2010

1984 Exists!

With the existence of the internet , as well as proposals of means by which to monitor innocent adults (keeping their dna database indefinitely), suggested microphones planted in lamp posts, the mangling of words to simultaneously simplify and complicate language, the "Special Relationship with America and Britain supposedly being the most monitored of all European countries, George Orwell's nightmare future is feeling ever more realistic.

The internet itself is a major culprit for misdirection and misinformation, and thus historical re-writing. One error in an article can cause every subsequent article to contain this error. And just like Chinese whispers, the error filters through and causes the entirety of the source to be mangled. A prominent perpetuator of this crime is Wikipedia, which I frequently visit and edit. The errors can be minimal such as spelling errors, to completely mis-informing the reader. A case in point is the articles on System of a Down and Serj Tankian, in which it typically suggests that the band has either seperated or Tankian has left the band, despite the fact that there are several interviews in which he specifically states that the band are purely on hiatus. Although this is a minor example in the grand scheme of things, it is still an example of the readers being misinformed. This is not a new symptom of the world, but the rise of the internet has seen it become far more violently virulent, far more than schools, text books, radio or tv could ever manage.

Onto the monitoring; Today Labour were stating that they wished for a dna database on all adults, innocent or guilty of any crimes, should be kept for a minimum of six years, their argument being that this would reduce the risk of offending or reoffending. Alone this seems simply unnerving, but coupled with the fact that had they not been reprimanded by the Human Rights Office they would have wished for the database to be kept indefinitely, it could be considered downright despotic. The fact of the matter is that regardless of whether Labour or Conservative, the party wishes for the database to exist, some Conservatives saying that they wish to adopt the Scottish system in which a database must be destroyed immediately if there is no arrest or conviction. Interestingly enough it was pointed out that we are already placed on various other databases when we sign for things such as credit/debit cards, driver's liscence, etc, thus further proving we are constantly being watched. Most importantly with this whole matter is the fact that there is the risk that innocent people will be convicted purely because of either similarities in the dna between they and someone else, or their dna being in the same location as the one guilty. Further information and views on the matter will be forthcoming.

Although an old matter it is worrying. 5 years ago a scheme in Central London, Soho was being piloted, in which sound levels were being measured by having microphones fitted in lamp posts. This was done to monitor noisy areas such as loud neighbours or night clubs, sending the information back to a council control room via a wireless connection. Although not sophisticated enough to pick up every word, they appeared still capable of picking up enough sound to give Soho residents call for concern. Although not one for fear-mongering, it does seem slightly worrying that it's believed there is a necessity for such equipment.

Language itself seems to mirror the Orwellian future, although not in its form, certainly in its frequency. A very common and incredibly grating example is the phrase "well good/bad". It raises the important question of why people are not educated enough to actually use the rich and varied language we have. More importantly it makes the idea of words dying out ever more real, Oxford Dictionary deeming it necessary to delete words no longer typically used. This effectively reflects the destruction and simplification of words within the 1984 dystopia.

When reading 1984, it is clear that Britain has been taken over, both by Communism and America. It is quite easy to argue that Britain, through the "Special Relationship" has become ever more submissive and subservient to America, as well as dominated by it, littered with 1950's America-style burger bars, fast food chains and American merchandise, and increasingly traditional British companies becoming owned by America (Cadbury's alone recently being in ownership talks with both Kraft and Hershey's). We are effectively becoming the 51st state, or alternatively part of the United States Empire.

To return to the previous matters of microphones and dna databases, cctv was the beginning of our being monitored so heavily. It is somewhat frightening that the government is believing that it is necessary for them to do this. I would honestly be unsurprised to see the government begin to call themselves the Party and to declare their leader Big Brother. It is plausible and conceivable to imagine them, as the residents of Soho feared, developing the monitoring technology so that cctv would have more sophisticated microphones attached to them to better invade the privacy of the general public.

In all honesty, when reviewing matters, it is only a matter of time before Britain becomes Airstrip 1, though with a different name most likely and we are at war with the world and his wife. The public are too stupid and apathetic to sustain the necessary revolution to avoid this fate so we might as well just despair for the future and pray for quick death.